2011.06.05 Fellow graduation


2010.12.12 Waiting for the slow pokes

2010.10.29 Biopsy party


2010.10.29 Biopsy party


Eric Chang     Katie   619 290 4525    ericchangmd@gmail.com         e8chang@ucsd.edu  

End of year lecture



Eva Chan         619 290 1739       eyeung@gmail.com       e5chan@ucsd.edu


Sharon Brouha        619 290 1595     sharonbrouha@gmail.com       sbrouha@ucsd.edu


Steve Haltom       619 290 2842      h2ofile@me.com      shaltom@ucsd.edu

End of year lecture



Arvin Hariri         619 290 4358    ahariri@ucsd.edu       ahariri@ucsd.edu 

End of year lecture







James Koenig     619 290 5074      jameskoenig@gmail.com      jkoenig@ucsd.edu

End of year lecture



Vijay Rao   619 290 7999           vijayrao@stanfordalumni.org       varao@ucsd.edu


Fernando J Rodriguez   (Chino)        chino@cal.berkeley.edu     f5rodriguez@ucsd.edu

End of year lecture



Julie Rutledge      619 290 8660         julierutledge2005@hotmail.com    jlrutledge@ucsd.edu

Will and Wyatt                                            End of year lecture



Suzanne Shepherd       619 290 8684     shepherdsuzanne@gmail.com      smshepherd@ucsd.edu   

End of year lecture



Wang, Jimmy     619-290-9404             jimmywang50@gmail.com

End of year lecture


Yang, Caroline    619 290 9895     caroline_yang@hotmail.com      cay009@ucsd.edu    2010.10.29 Biopsy party 

End of year lecture



Ahmed, Kamran                            619-290-0410               <kamhfh@yahoo.com>

End of year lecture


Buratto, James                                      619-290-0739            <Jburatt@yahoo.com>   

End of year lecture



Doyle, Kate                                 619-290-1172                <doylekt5@hotmail.com>



Huang, Brady                          619-290-1291            <bradyhuang@gmail.com>     

End of year lecture



Sharp, Mattthew                         619-290-2416           <matthewjsharp@earthlink.net>    

End of year lecture